Closeup of professionals pointing at charts on desk

Big 10 Wealth Management Issues

  1. Investments
    Provide asset allocation and, investment selection guidance and conduct periodic portfolio reviews with you
  2. Insurance
    Assess your life, health, and variable insurance needs (including long-term care and annuities) and assist in evaluating existing insurance
  3. Liabilities
    Differentiate good debt from bad debt
  4. Employer-Sponsored Retirement Plans
    Review current contribution amounts, investment alternatives and allocation, and plan limits
  5. Retirement Income and Distribution Planning
    Taking client from accumulation phase to distribution of income phase of the portfolio
  6. Government Benefit Strategies
    Helping client understand Social Security benefits and Medicare benefits
  7. Durable Power of Attorney
    Discuss existing powers of attorney so investment professional knows who their agent is and when their agent may serve
  8. Gifting to Children, Descendants, and Charities During Life and at Death
    Assist in determining gifting goals and work with attorney to identify opportunities for wealth transfer to family and/or charities
  9. Titling of Assets
    Review current titling of assets with client and attorney to identify if titling is appropriate to align with client’s estate planning objectives
  10. Executor/Trustee
    Discuss existing executor/trustee designations in light of client’s distribution goals

“In addressing the Big 10 Wealth Management Issues, we put ourselves in a better position to help ensure nothing gets overlooked.”
Jerome M. Zitzmann

Some of the Big 10 Wealth Management Issues may not presently apply to your situation, or there may be other issues to be addressed that are not listed.  You may also have multiple issues, and you can prioritize in what order of importance you choose to address them.  It is very important that you include all members of your professional team in the planning process, including your attorney, tax professional, and/or investment professional.  Stifel does not provide legal or tax advice.  You should consult with your legal and tax advisors regarding your particular situation.